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May is “Stop the Bleed” Month

Illustration of a person using both hands and a piece of cloth to apply pressure to a leg wound in order to stop the bleed.

Stop the Bleed is a campaign that has been created to spread awareness of the importance of getting First Aid trained in how to help stop severe bleeding. But why is this important? Can’t you just call 9-1-1 and wait for them to arrive to treat the victim of severe bleeding?

Here is why it is important for you to be trained:

  • Blood loss can quickly become life threatening
  • The average bleed out time is 2-5 minutes
  • The average EMS response time is 7-10 minutes

Most of the time, YOU are the KEY factor in keeping the victim alive until EMS arrives!

Steps to stop the bleed: 1. Apply pressure with hands, 2. Apply dressing and press, 3. Apply tourniquet

Steps to stop the bleed:

    • Call 9-1-1 is bleeding is severe
    • Always wear personal protective equipment (gloves in this case)
    • Apply direct pressure to the wound
    • Keep adding additional gauze until no more blood is coming through (never take off the initial piece of gauze – always layer on top)
    • If bleeding does not stop, resort to a tourniquet (with proper training)
Schedule a First Aid or CPR/AED class at your workplace today! 
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Source:  https://emergencycare.hsi.com/blog/stop-the-bleed-month?utm_campaign=2018%20HSI%20Blog&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=88231482&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_JsULdtrHfoB7cIvUbbAkwpltm34vUqLrEIQNU1mJLLLAdNyDrl35V00eoQiQ2vD1qygBr95PT8AujDsos8BSp2oxGFQ&_hsmi=88231482