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National CPR/AED Awareness Week

CPR/AED Awareness Week - June 1-7. You can save a life.

Three men at a construction worksite. One man is on the ground, unconscious and hooked up to an AED. A second man is performing CPR. The third man is making a phone call to emergency personnel.

June 1-7 is National CPR/AED Awareness Week. Providing CPR to a victim in need and having an AED onsite and readily available saves lives every single day. Some may say, “I’ll just call 9-1-1 if something happens”, however, for many victims that is much too late. Here are some facts that you need to know:

- Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) kills 1 person every 90 seconds in the USA.

- More than 350,000 SCA cases occur outside of the hospital - That means that most happen at home, work, or in a public setting.

- The chances of survival if nothing is done prior to EMS arrival is under 6%...

- With every minute that goes by, the chance of survival goes down by 10%...

- The national EMS response time is 7-9 minutes...think about that... ^^^^

- Having an AED onsite and using it on a SCA victim and starting early CPR can DOUBLE or TRIPLE survival rates!!

The question is…are you prepared for a Sudden Cardiac Arrest Emergency? Is your workplace prepared? Is there an AED onsite at your workplace? Do your employees know how to use the AED? Are you or other employees trained in CPR?

Be Proactive. Don’t wait until it is too late. And remember…Sudden Cardiac Arrest does not play favorites, it can happen to anyone, at any time.

Schedule a First Aid or CPR/AED class at your workplace today!

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