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Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month

Woman kneeling, trying to help a man who is lying down while experiencing sudden cardiac arrest (SCA)

October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Awareness Month. There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to SCA…such as:

  • “It only affects the older population.”
  • “It only affects unhealthy people.”
  • “I will have enough time to go to the hospital.”
  • “My symptoms will alert me that something is wrong.”

All of these statements are very inaccurate and it’s important to know the truth about SCA:

  • SCA does not play favorites when it comes to age or “health”
  • SCA happens QUICK
  • A victim becomes unresponsive in a matter of seconds
  • SCA doesn’t really show any symptoms before a person collapses


Sudden Cardiac Arrest Kills 1 Person Every 90 Seconds in the U.S.A alone.

Survival Rates Decrease 10% For Every Minute That Goes by Without Bystander Help.

What can you do to be more prepared?

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